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“CSR Captain Program” is hosted by CCS (Center for Corporate Sustainability) and CTCIEF (CTCI Education Foundation). As we recall the 2017 conduct of the “CSR Captain Program” event, “2018 CSR Captain Program-Spring Action”is also conducted to enhance students’ understanding of the enterprise culture in Taiwan, and to improve the interaction between students, professors and enterprises. The event also aims to promote multicultural views of students and to develop their international thinking. Each team shall have four members from the same university, including Taiwanese and foreign students. Through the in-depth observation of enterprise in Taiwan, CSR implementation, and CSR cases sharing and discussion by professors and enterprises in CSR related fields. It’s able to gain a better appreciation of Taiwan’s corporate culture, enhance the between and, stimulate multiculturalism and develop broad international perspectives. At the same time, the innovative CSR method proposal from the students is also able to make theenterprises which joined the CSR cases sharing gain the inspiring feedback.
The event is divided into four phases, including Initial Selection, Study Courses, Examination and Results Presentations Selection. Through the Initial Selection, 12 qualified teams will be chosen. The Study Courses will invite CSR experts to lecture about international CSR development and policy implementation trends, and will also invite 6 benchmark enterprises in Taiwan to share the situation of CSR program/performance on May 5th. The Results Presentations Selection will be hosted on May19th, with the host organization awarding the winners with the ”CTCI CSR Scholarship” in the amount of $NT20,000(First place), $NT16,000(Second place), $NT12,000(Third place), and $NT10,000(the other teams).
Registration will be available until April 14th, 24pm. This is an online registration only event. Registration shall be conduct through the official event website link at the CICT Educational Foundation URL(, CICT Educational Foundation Facebook page or the Center for Corporate Sustainability URL(